Well, it's been an interesting week, to say the least! It could have been much worse, it was just a bit of a bumpy ride, lol. As you may know, one of my sites was hacked into this week, so as a precaution I completely deleted my old website (which I liked a lot!) and am now in the process of rebuilding the site. Of course it doesn't look the same - I'm just using a temporary look while I'm re-entering all of the information, but hopefully in the end it will be even more to my liking and the liking of my clients.
Follow up:
Another new development is the change in my schedule, which has actually been surprisingly difficult for me. Throughout my career I've always had two days off that were separated; I've never had two days off in a row. This has been a conscious decision on my part because I've always wanted to be available to my clients when they need me. I know that often emergencies will arise and clients will need to talk right away. However, a couple of weeks ago I was sort of cornered into HAVING to take Sundays off. I'm not able to leave my dog children at doggy daycare on Sundays unless I can get off early but unfortunately the store can't allow readers to leave early on Sundays. So my hands were tied. I can't deny that it's actually very relaxing to have two days off in a row...When you only have one day off you don't really relax because you're always subconsciously aware that you have to gear up for the next day of work...But it's difficult to get used to not being there for my clients. It's especially difficult because the rest of my hours are weekday hours, making it difficult for clients who work during the day to see me. I'm considering changing one of my daytime shifts to a night shift to accommodate those clients.
Maybe I worry too much - but I truly do care about my clients and want to be there for them when they need me. I know that there is a lesson here in faith - knowing that the needs of my clients will be met while I myself am getting some much needed rest....and in the necessity of taking care of ourselves - I can't help others to heal when I myself am working wounded (or tired, as the case my be, lol)... And a part of me has a sneaking suspicion that this schedule change is a temporary forced rest... But believe it or not it's a tough one for me... Practicing the tenets my guides have taught me about stillness...the tenets I myself have passed along to students so many times...At this moment I am reminded of how we never stop learning and growing, since I am put into the shoes of the student again...learning stillness inward and out...
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