Friday, January 23, 2009

Down With Retrogrades!!!

Mercury retrogrades have never been my favorite time periods - I very rarely need to be told that we're in one...Generally about halfway through a retrograde I'll start to notice that, despite my best efforts, I become hopelessly tongue-tied, incapable of expressing the most simplistic idea given me by my guides. But the one we're in currently (and which lasts until 11:11 am on January 31, 2009) takes the cake!

Follow up:

It feels like I've been given some sort of medication that not only makes me tongue-tied, it actually makes me ditzy! I know it doesn't sound all that dire, but trust me when I tell you it's becoming increasingly stressful, since I have to pay close attention to every single detail of even the most seemingly inconsequential of tasks or else they'll go irrevocably wrong. Needless to say, my guides have been working feverishly to keep me calm, lol.

Most of the issues I've encountered have been relatively minor, but one has me heartbroken. I'd really been looking forward to taking part in the event on the Queen Mary this weekend, Ghostfest 3. Unfortunately there was a mix-up in the event office and I was unable to get the proper authorization in time, making it impossible for me to take part. And to top it off, the switchboard operator on the Queen Mary (her name was Jill) was unbelievably rude! I was shocked. So, needless to say, I'm disappointed and am allowing myself a little "pouting time" this weekend, lol.

On a happier note, I adopted a doggy from the pound! I'm including his picture here...His name is Archer and he is the goofiest, dorkiest fluff ball I've ever met! He's going to fit in just fine with our little family of misfits! Archer's Pancake Nose!  Go straight to Heaven, adopt & love a homeless animal...

Friday, January 16, 2009


Unfortunately when I had to re-start my site last month I had to delete all of my former blog entries, which included a couple that were very special to me personally; one being about the experience I shared with my readers on the night my cat-son Uno died. Apparently there were also a few that my readers enjoyed, as I've received several emails requesting that I repost them, especially the posts about interesting medium readings I've had. Unfortunately I don't have copies of the old posts or I would absolutely re-post them for you...But I CAN do my best to remember some tidbits that you all might find interesting!

Brotherly Love

Now, I personally enjoy the little things that come out in a reading that really give away the true personality of a person and their relationship with the sitter. For me, this type of information is the "Big Wow" that I would be hoping for if I myself were sitting with a medium.

Follow up:

A few of these experiences come to mind, but one of the most touching for me occurred during a reading I did for a young woman who's brother passed unexpectedly a few years ago. We'll call the young woman Kate and her brother John.

This family loves each other dearly, which has been very apparent the few times that I've spoken with John, Kate and their other sister.

Well, when Kate came in for a psychic reading recently to ask about events in her life, her brother made himself known right away, barely allowing me to get through the psychic reading - he kept waving his hand in front of my face and bouncing around the room - he was a joker in life. So finally, once her questions were answered we turned our attention to her brother, who began spewing validations. After a few minutes she said that she'd visited him recently for the first time in a long time and wanted to know if he knew she'd been there. As any of you who've sat with me before know, I don't let anyone just get by with a "yes" or a "no" - if I've gotta work so do they! lol...In all seriousness, I do request some sort of validation along with a yes or no answer and fortunately he happily obliged, telling her about a car she was in, playing a song by his favorite band for me (which fortunately I recognized) and, most importantly, pointing out the jacket she was wearing, saying that it was his, not hers. She laughed when she heard that he was mentioning the jacket, but was confused when he said it was his & not hers. I checked again with him to make sure I wasn't misinterpreting what he was saying and sure enough, he was laughing and saying that the jacket was his & not hers. We sat there for a couple of seconds and then she said it was a jacket that had the name of the band he'd just mentioned on it. Just then he told me that she didn't like that band as much as he did & he lovingly called her a "poser." A light went on for her and she understood what he meant...Music was especially important to both Kate and John and they had a loving rivalry over who was the better band - her favorite or his. (The lead singer of his favorite band is also the lead singer of her favorite band, but they're two separate bands). He was teasing her about the jacket being "his" because the band name on the front of the jacket was HIS favorite band, NOT hers...

The Walkman

Some of the most interesting readings can be those in which there is accompanying physical phenomena. Although this has happened in several readings, it's rare, making the experiences highly memorable. A few of those include the reading in which the door of the cd player on my computer, which had been broken for a couple of months at that point, opened on its own, sending my client jumping out of his chair; or the reading in which a client came in wanting to know who was "haunting" her house. As it turned out, she was co-existing with a little girl who had been there long before my client bought the land. As I was talking to my client, the little girl walked up to my table and took 2 of the little stones sitting on the its edge and began playing with them. As my client and I watched, the stones separated to opposite ends of the table, stopped and then "clinked" together like marbles and rolled away from each other, one falling off the edge and onto the floor. I could see that the little girl was playing with them like marbles (the stones were small and shaped like marbles, which were a popular children's game during the era she was alive), but my client's face went completely white, as all she could see was two stones seemingly dancing around the table on their own. Fortunately she was very open and wasn't afraid, just surprised by such clear physical phenomena.

But of all of the physical phenomena, I think the most touching experience for me came when a woman and her boyfriend came in to see me for what they thought would be just a fun, maybe even goofy experience at a psychic's. The woman came in alone first and from the second she sat down, I began receiving information from a female friend of hers who had passed. The beautiful young woman who passed told me that she was the wife of the man my sitter had come in with. She told me that her husband had been an aspiring musician - a rapper - before she died, but now, a year later, he was just letting his dream die as well...He'd given up on the one thing that made him happy. She wanted him to know that she knew how much he missed her but she said it was going to take something really special to get him to believe that she was speaking. Just as I was relaying the information to my sitter, the old Sony Walkman (for those youngsters out there, it's an old radio with headphones that played tapes...There was life before ipods! lol), which was sitting in my purse on the floor next to me, turned itself on. And no, no one's feet or fingers accidentally turned it purse was nowhere near us. The woman sitting across from me was shocked and I was a little surprised myself...But it was obviously so important for the young man's wife to tell him not to give up his dream...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

If I only had half a million dollars...

Today was such a hard day... The truth is that I am in absolutely no position to adopt another animal right now (I have 2 dog-kids, 4 cat-kids and I take care of a pack of other cats belonging to a family member). But with this tidal wave of foreclosure, an unimaginable amount to animals are being turned in to the pound - there are thousands. And almost all of them will be put to death because there are just too many. Even under normal circumstances there are too many - in this situation the number has gotten out of control so the pounds are severely over crowded and animal rescues are filled to capacity. So I've decided that, even though my situation is FAR from perfect for housing another animal child, it is POSSIBLE for me to take someone else in and I feel responsible for doing so. If I can save at least ONE life, I will...The problem is that when I went down to the pound, I was completely OVERCOME with all of the dogs' fear and sadness and confusion. It was just too much for me to handle - I literally broke down in tears in the middle of the kennel. There were so many dogs there who have absolutely no idea why this is happening to them - but they think their families are coming back for them like they have before when they've been dropped off at the vet or when their people have gone on vacation. They have no idea that, not only will their families never return, but they will more than likely never get to run in the grass again or smell the flowers again or stick their head out of a car window to feel the wind on their faces. It was utterly heart shattering.

There were a couple of dogs there who especially touched me...A gigantic brown lab whose personality is so much like my lab-daughter Gracee's - all Gracee wants to do is snuggle her snout under your chin and make sure you've got enough kisses that day ("You sure you've had enough kisses now? I can give you more - are you sure? Here, lemme give you just a few more..." lol)....He is just like that...and he's huge but he has absolutely no idea how big he is....He's a ball-chasing, run-into-the-lake-and-come-out-and-climb-into-your-lap, cat-loving, kiss-giving love machine and his spirit is being broken every minute he stays in that loud, scary place.

Another one who touched me is a guy who looks like a black shepherd/akita mix...His ears have bite marks in them and his fur is dirty and his eyes look like they've seen the front line of a war...He wouldn't even raise his head when I came to his cage because no one ever looks at him for long...He's not cute and bouncy like a lot of the other doggies there...He's rather plain looking if you don't look close...But I could feel his spirit, so I went around to the other side of the cage and called him over...Finally he literally pulled himself off of the floor and came over to me and just pressed his body against the cage while I scratched his cheek...I need to get him out...God, if you're listening, I NEED to get this boy out...He is so soulful...

I wish so much that I could take them all out - give them all a big yard to play in and more kisses than they can shake a stick at...But I don't own a house...If only I could come up with the money to buy a house, I would adopt these kids and many more....

As things stand, I don't have the money to buy a house right now, but somehow I am going to rescue my shepherd/chow boy and my lab boy and I'm going to make sure that they have good lives...I don't know how, but I will...